Business and Ethics

Although the event that took place on United where the crew had a passenger being dragged out of the plane for the simple reason of not willing to give up his seat it’s abhorring and should never happen, it could not have occurred at a better time ( The following day our topic in international business management was business ethics. Courtesy to Eddie Constantinescu which joined us in Taiwan from Chicago via video conference, he discussed with us the United Airlines incident which is nothing short of a perfect case study for business ethics. What did we all learn from this “case study” that was still taking place as we’re discussing it? If businesses can’t behave ethically, at least the fear of losing money or total collapse will prompt them to first, offer a fake apology and stop behaving unethically towards customers or the rest of the world. Moreover, quite a few businesses engage in some or all such practices: destroy the environment, pollute and abuse many of their employees legally and illegally.


It is however more difficult to get businesses to act ethically when it comes to products or resources obtained from countries where bribes and local laws do not stand in the way of child labor, gender discrimination and other demeaning employment practices and protocols. If there are no good means or ways to make such businesses suffer financially and send their stocks tumbling, they’re likely going to continue in their unethical practices. In recent years “blood” is diversifying from blood diamonds into other sorts of blood, such as “blood smartphones” as discussed in this video: The question is, how can such unethical business behavior in all the different situations mentioned here be prevented?

Financial losses from decreasing purchases and tumbling stocks have done wonders since the social media and smartphone era began. People can quickly take snapshots of anything and rapidly spread the news and surprisingly some forget the kind of era we live in. We are aware that businesses can only survive by making profits, however, we all need to realize we are watching or reading such distressing news on our phone, pc, or other e-communication device at the expense of children and many other unethical business practices. In other words, we condemn businesses which know they are using products and resources or have in their supply chain other businesses that use child labor, have unsafe working conditions, pollute the environment, etc., but we still buy their products. Are we ready to stop using our smart phones because of the reality of how they are made? Can people worldwide unite in awareness and push businesses to be more ethical by refusing to buy their products and services or making their stocks tumble if businesses can’t help themselves? Sure people can do it, United Airlines serves as a good example as it seems that nowadays it’s the only way that works! But the question is, as one of the students asked in the class “Will it always continue this way”? In other words is it nothing except the fear of losing money going to motivate businesses to do anything right?

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40 Responses to Business and Ethics

  1. This topic was very interesting. For me, businesses should act ethically so they will have a good reputation to their customers but some unfortunate events happen that could lead them to act badly. It really depends on how the management reacts. Take the United Airlines incident that was stated above for example. It is normal for airlines to encounter such problem but on how they manage to solve the problem was unacceptable. They should’ve thought it through. They should’ve solve the problem in a humane way. What they did to the victim was so cruel and personally I was dismayed and quite disgusted on what action they took. Also, they should be aware that people nowadays can easily videotape an incident and post it online that could possibly spark outrage from people. It is not only United Airlines who was in the hot seat recently. American Airlines was in the news too this past few days but it was not as big as to the prior one. I’m not saying that they should do unethical activities as long as people will not know. I just want and hope businesses will go by the rule and act ethically.

    I think it is normal for businessperson to aim and gain for more profit and sometimes because of this, it is linked to child labor. In order to gain revenue, they should cut costs and would probably move their production or manufacturing sites to poor countries with low labor cost because they know that people there are desperate to earn money to live. So desperate that even minors work because of the fear to starve to death. Businesses have used this as an advantage to exploit those people. I know that this is a painful truth and people from around the world that have known about this doings start to boycott the company’s products but I think that it is just in the short run especially if that business is famous, big and already has a strong brand image. People would condemn and hate those companies but not for long. Time heals all wounds as they say and that’s exactly what I think on how people will react over time. They might not forget the incident but they will forget on how the incident have affected them.

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    • dalivis says:

      That’s an interesting perspective and unfortunately true, that time heals wounds and many wrongdoers, businesses or individuals sometimes get lucky because of it. I suppose we all have been in a similar situation and maybe we feel we should have mercy on others as well!


  2. Kate Chang says:

    Nowadays, lots of enterprises sacrifice the little number of people’s right to get their own benefit, but they have forgotten the most important thing, the basic business ethics.
    In order to obtain the biggest benefit with the least costs, they often seek the special way to achieve their goal. I don’t think the way they use is great because they didn’t respect others. The only thing they want is money, they didn’t mind whether they destroyed the environment or hurt to others, I think their behavior is very offensive.
    I think the only thing we can do is refuse to buy their goods, such as United Airlines, the customers refuse to take their plane, so they resulting in lots of lost.

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  3. Emily Hsieh says:

    According to the example, We can comment several points. First, the discrimination will always be there, people have the high value for themselves, and we can’t change their mind, so we just avoid touching the goods and services for them. However, people don’t always do that, so the issue will be continue. Second, we can use the news and the problems to strength our advantages. For example, United Arab Emiratesabbr (UAE) use United Airline’s slogan to emphasize the secure. It is a way of competition.

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  4. 黃子真 says:

    In this ethical issue, I feel sorrowful for reading this article. The reason this event is so meaningful for me is that there was a relatively event that is reported about an unlicensed factory produced their oil by using over recycled oil few years ago in Taiwan. This factory found the loopholes in the laws and contribute to a food safety scare.

    However, we know that businesses tend to have something to do with making
    more money by decreasing their cost may bring about doing without behaving ethically. From my point of view, I think the government need to take measures instantly though the event would continue in the future. The other, I think what we can do is to reject to use the products and call attention to other people.

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  5. To the United Airlines incident, I think they have faced the similar problem several times. When the unexpected happens, it is important to placate the passengers’ emotion and take action, measure to compensate any loss they have, and apologize sincerity. The reason why the United Airline do these things again and again, the main justification is that : people will forget the mistake they make in a period of time, and after the time, they will still travel by taking the United Airline.

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  6. 屠王悦 says:

    From my perspective, “Business ethical” is really a open-ended topic, because the standpoint will vary from person to person. And the most important factor will affect the result is person’s position, for example, your job.

    From customers or employees angle, most of people deservedly want all the companies to obey the rules of business ethical. Only that, the whole environment of business industry will be peaceful and in order, and we can safely buy what we want and enjoy the service we have, for no companies will do the things out of the rule.

    But for company, is it that obeying the business ethical is totally good for them? Actually not. For example, when there is a female employee requests fort three-month maternity leave, company should approve it or not? for “Business ethical”, approve it is in the nature of things. But companies should bear the lost by themselves for losing one employee lasts for three months. During these time, the productivity will decline, which directly affects the company’s economic profit, which is harmful for the company’s operation. Normal company will suffered a lot, especially the enterprises which women dominated.

    In a word, we should think “business ethical” rationally. And for my personal view, everything can be understandable as long as it’s not illegal or anti-humanism.

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    • 張舒涵 says:

      In my opinion, I think it is possible that people can worldwide unite in awareness and push businesses to be more ethical by refusing to buy their products and services or making their stocks tumble if businesses can’t help themselves. Take Taiwan’s company for example they was discovered that they use tainted oil to provide many downstream firms and also sale the bad oil to the people by Food Safety Authorities. When the problem was revealed, people got angrily. However, some people launch an activity which was refused to buy this company’s other products. It was the bitter process for the company. According this events, some people still buy their products this trend definitely can’t continue. People will forget as time as goes by.

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  7. 張予柔 says:

    From my personal perspective, I think “Business and Ethics” this issue is very objective. Every individual should have different opinion.
    Take the issue stated above, the United Airlines event has shock everyone in the society. Although America is an authority country, maybe we expect them should be very respect to their clients, the fact shows up is totally different. I know that the United Airlines is very popular in the America domestic airlines, but they shouldn’t force the client get out of the plane. Not only did they sell more seats, but also dragged people out of the plane. Maybe they should face this issue seriously, this problem may happen frequently. After this issue, they should consider how to deal with this problem in a proper way.

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  8. 何雅琪 says:

    Business ethics has always been our serious question, many enterprises engaged in illegal behavior, the use of labor exploitation to create the maximum benefit, perhaps the only thing we can do to try to avoid the consumption of their products and services, but this is not the best solution, the government should go to a positive solution to this problem, and this issue is also worth to go reflections.

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    • dalivis says:

      You brought up governments and yes, governments in developed nations or rich countries usually try to prevent unethical business behavior at least in the face of PC. But then you have 3rd world countries where children, adults and elderly are fighting to survive. Do you think they would worry about child labor or would they just go crazy when the opportunity to work and earn a living is given to them? I think children, elderly and anyone else would jump at any opportunity which in many cases governments there can’t really do anything about!


  9. 廖婉伶 says:

    In my opinion, I think business ethics is important and come up for discussion. Take child labor issues for example, it is not an easy issue to resolve. Many of these children are from very poor families and work to pay for their family or their education. Many people thought that child labor is an unavoidably process among national development, and the situation will improve when the economy get better. But I don’t think it will be better because if there is child labor in a region, it actually mean that the working conditions in that area are sinking down. When the children are working, their parents will face the dilemma of unemployment. Parents can’t work, the family will lose their economic pillar and will need more child labor, the vicious cycle will be endless. So I think everyone should take seriously about the child labor issue.

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    • I think child labour is never acceptable.Because the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) and the ILO Convention 182 on the worst forms of child labour (1999) clearly distinguish between child labour, which refers to harmful forms of work which deny children opportunities to fulfil their other rights, such as education, and child work, which is unlikely to damage educational opportunities. This kind of work might include children helping out with their parents.

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  10. Alan Chou says:

    Without a doubt “Business Ethical” is important, and gradually become a standard for the society to evaluate these company. It can brings plenty of benefit if the company are good at business ethical.
    But according to the variety culture in different countries, and the different economy condition, each independent or the country have a different standard about the business ethical. Also the requirement from the local government or resident are not the same as the advanced country.
    For developing countries their country are ask for earning money to make their life circumstances improve, so they start to work for the labor intensive industries. For instance Textile industries, Foxconn or even Samsung. The working hour are high and maybe the working environment are not good as we think. Can we say those company are not business ethical? In our viewpoint yes. And how about the labor that work in the factory? They might feel yes the company are not ethical, unless they improve their daily conditions and the country become prosperity.
    All in all, in my point of view business ethical are still important for all the people and must be practical in all the country. But it must be look at the different circumstances in several different places

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  11. Jamilla Lee says:

    In my opinion, business ethics is a problem which is not easy to solve. The problem of child labor is like Taiwan’s food security problem, and it cannot be effectively banned altogether. When the media reports the tainted oil or tainted food, people can only refuse to buy or resist these companies’ products, but for those companies, even if it will be fine by the government that is only a little bit of all profits in a fraction. When the time has passed, everyone will forget about it. I think maybe the most effective solution is that the government strongly prohibit these acts to block the occurrence of things.

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    • Kon Sun says:

      I agree with your opinion, but how can government prohibit the problem of child labor? The government can only ban these companies by fines and jail. But if coupled with the power of the people to stop company make profit, I think maybe this can be more effective to warn these companies.

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  12. 梅梓柔 says:

    There are unethical companies outside the world, and we can’t deny it. The main problem is, the whole environment is allowing them to keep doing it, such as the blood smartphone and the chocolate industry. What I mean the environment? Not only the unethical company and the conditions in the third world but also including you and me! There are too many cases about company drilling loopholes, and customers seem to get used to it. Even there are reports to aware the public, most of them were forgot by people after a while.
    Although customers unite to resist buying the product is the most effective way, but it’s a long educational process to disseminate to consumers. We can’t only depend on customers to resist buying the product, but also the government must take positive action to stop the condition becoming worse. This is when the condition is optimistic. I’m not trying to be pessimistic, but theories are just theories, and some governments were also taking part of the beneficial chain, so having people to continue to pay close attention to these issues, is the only way to change the current situation.

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  13. Yi Hsin Chen says:

    i don’t believe their is any business are ethics. nowadays, money really can buy anything, the company pay extra tax so they can destroy the environment, create pollution in local. And we (the public) really can’t do anything to prevent this, because they have right to do so. moreover, the effect for the local community can’t get any credit, the company can easily move to other places, but those local villagers can’t, they are force to live on those environment which are already been polluted?this is a very serious problem! we can’t stop this kind of situation, because we need the product that they provide, even though we know is bad for local and environment but we don’t have the courage force the company to shut down.

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  14. 蔡小真 says:

    As far as I know, overbooking is the thing that many airline do, not only United Airlines, but why this incident happened, first is the check in ground crew’s missing, second, airline didn’t handle properly. Now is the era of human rights, especially United States is the country that concern about it, this time, United Airline incident shocked the world, people began to discuss the professional ethics. As many company, they earn much money, so when they made the mistake, they always think that money can solve the problem, like the United airline cases, they gave costumer money to reconcile, because they didn’t want costumer to sue them, they think reputation is the most important. I think the best way for costumer is don’t buy the company’s product and give some feedback and suggestion so that they will find the problem and improve it.

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  15. Tang Yi says:

    Why is business ethics important? In my opinion, to retain a positive image, businesses must be committed to operating on an ethical foundation as it relates to the treatment of employees, respect to the surrounding environment and fair market practices in terms of price and consumer treatment. It’s hard to think of an issue that the success of the company has a dark side. Customers all around the world were buying products tainted with the blood and sweat of poor or even unpaid workers. A few days ago, I watched a documentary about the dark side of chocolate. The film was talking about discovering the use of child labor and trafficked children in the chocolate production, which existed on cocoa farms on the Ivory Coast, a country that produces nearly half the world’s cocoa. Children use dangerous tools and machinery, haul beans across long distances, work long hours and face exposure to pesticides with no protective clothing.
    Employers have always taken advantage of underdeveloped countries where they know that laborers cannot legally form unions, and where child labor laws are not enforced. This does not make it morally or ethically right for companies to exploit children in poor rural areas. Governments must continue their work to pass and enforce effective laws that send a clear message that child labor is wrong and will not be tolerated. Moreover, corporations and consumers must speak out loudly by developing a culture of social responsibility — and they can take heart in knowing that it makes a difference.

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  16. Sunny Chen says:

    For the ethical issue like child labor, it is a far-reaching problem, especially for children living in poverty around the world. As far as I know, in 2003 a report of the child labor issue in India stated that in the southern state of Karnataka, silk thread production still depends almost entirely on bonded children. But for today after UNICEF and NGOs got involved, child labor figure is drastically lower, with the total estimated to be fewer than a thousand child labors. That shows a trend of this ethical issue can be improved or it can possibly be solved.
    In addition to that, child labor could be paid lower wages, was more tractable and easily managed than adults, so some unethical companies in order to create the maximum profit they will hire child labor. For example, hazardous work appears especially common among adolescents employed in industry and agriculture, so companies can lower their cost.
    From my perspective, I think this child labor issue can be resolved if we choose to boycott the company which hires child labor. Also, the local government should strictly prohibit these illegal activities to avoid the exploitation of child labor.

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  17. 林佳儀 says:

    I think the main reason why company doing something immoral like using child labor, is reducing cost is more quickly and obviously from try to earn more money. Although we know using child labor is happening but in fact it’s hard to stop. The region which allow child labor is usually poor and people there are lack of knowledge, These kind of country often have lots of problem waiting to be solved. From different sides of view, the government in these countries, they can’t support there people to maintain their needs, company which use child labor maybe plays a role to make them survive. I’m not saying using child labor is a good thing, but there must be a relationship between company and local people. In my opinion, to totally solve child labor issue the basic things to face will be a country lack of development and poor people.

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  18. Peggy Li says:

    I think business ethics is a difficult problem, child labor for example, I think the use of child labor, the government and the capitalists have a lot of responsibility. The government in order to make the country more money, and let these manufacturers into the country to oppress their residents. For their own interests being exploit these hard work workers, in fact a lot of sweat factories, work is always with the responsibility system to force employees to work, but the salary is not high, the government’s corruption, endless vicious circle,but want to solve this problem is actually very simple, the emergence of the government, take good care of their own nationals, let the factory agreed to a certain salary level, the cost may be a little more, but the local people may be better than before life, but now I think government is not possible to do that, because with their own interest. But let us consumers refuse to buy I think this may be more difficult, because those brands have been established, for their quality of goods , give advice to these hire child labor entrepreneurs, I think not hire children to work may make the product prices increase, but I believe that consumers are acceptable.

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  19. Irene Shao says:

    For now, some big companies’ the first consideration is to earn maximum interest. And they forget the basic business ethics. The most serious thing is child labor. For example, the United States media (US uncut) was reported that there were 10 Chocolate Manufacturers use child labor to earn more money. Although they have signed the “Hakkin Ange Protocol” to promise to eliminate the issue of exploitation of child labor by 2005, but the deadline has been postponed, they again in 2012, will be done before 2020 that 100% of the purchases of cocoa raw materials with third-party certification. But the results of the 51% increase in the number of child laborers in the cocoa industry from 2009 to 2014 show the unfinished agreements. I think they act like the book, the boy who cried woof, make the buyers more disappointed with them, and I also think that we should called on the public to monitor the power of consumers and supported fair trade principle, urge manufacturers to improve unreasonable labor situation.

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  20. 范芷瀠 says:

    This is the problem that has been existing for a long time. There is a value that most businesses consider that money can solve everything, There is an aweful behave and value that the business should not have.
    However, from this event, I think they have a horrible idea about using money to buy business ethics. Nowadays, the event has been reported, and the world have been shocked. We are angry about this event, but we cannot make this company shut down.Because we are in the horrible world, people or business who have money can control the world as we say money cannot buy everything, but the world is reality. We do not have the power to against the business, and do we dare to against it. That is a question that always be there, and is hard to overcome.

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  21. Sandy Wang says:

    A code of ethics or code of conduct is derived and developed from the core values. Company goals, mission statements and visions are further interpretations of the core values. It is the process of giving voice to ideas. It helps people know what is right and wrong, what is acceptable and unacceptable. It serves to assist employees in determining if they are on the right path and fulfilling goals in line with the company. However, there are always have some company like United, they also have code of conduct but they just ignore it especially the supervisors. In my opinion, the event that took place on United reflected that the employer and employee in this company do not have a clear conscience. All of the employer and employee do not know what is right and what is wrong this it’s going too far.

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  22. 陳芃蓁 says:

    Business Ethical is important,but it has always been our serious question.Business is to make money as the main goal, ethics is the pursuit of moral norms, business objectives and corporate social responsibility is not necessarily linked, or even incompatible.From a broad perspective, as long as the commercial activities of the pull involving ethical issues, can be regarded as one of the business ethics ring, such as work ethics, information ethics, professional ethics management, professional ethics, engineering ethics and so on.Key issues include issues that have been sharpened by globalization in recent years, such as supply chain ethics exposed by sweatshops, business and human rights protection, business and sustainable development,we should rethink the content of corporate social responsibility.

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  23. 范芷瀠 says:

    This is the problem that has been existing for a long time. There is a value that most businesses consider that money can solve everything, There is an aweful behave and value that the business should not have.
    However, from this event, I think they have a horrible idea about using money to buy business ethics. Nowadays, the event has been reported, and the world have been shocked. We are angry about this event, but we cannot make this company shut down.Because we are in the horrible world, people or business who have money can control the world as we say money cannot buy everything, but the world is reality. We do not have the power to against the business, and do we dare to against it. That is a question that always be there, and is hard to overcome.
    However, from this event, I think they have a horrible idea about using money to buy business ethics. Nowadays, the event has been reported, and the world have been shocked. We are angry about this event, but we cannot make this company shut down.Because we are in the horrible world, people or business who have money can control the world as we say money cannot buy everything, but the world is reality. We do not have the power to against the business, and do we dare to against it. That is a question that always be there, and is hard to overcome.

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  24. 莊凰慧 says:

    In my opinion, i think child labor is a very important thing, but for almost people, when they buy a product such as cellphone they won’t think about child labor. it means although more and more people started to follow the child labor issue, child labor still exist. That’s because many companies won’t let us now they are hiring child labor, and for consumers,they won’t linked their cellphone to child labor. For me, If today i didn’t see this article, i won’t know about that my cellpnone may made by child labor. Thus, i think the first step to prevent the child labor increase is letting more consumers know that which company is doing immoral things.

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  25. Jill Yeh says:

    In my opinion, I don’t think that company who said themselves did the great ethics on their operation. More and more companies nowadays just care about their profit, they took away the right of the people and asked them to do the illegal things. As the paragraph just mentioned, the problem of the child labor gets increasingly common. However, I think they can have another way to reduce their cost or earn more profit, such as hiring the employees from the poor countries because it’s not only can help the poor people having money to live but also help the economic grows in their country. Moreover, another serious problem is about the environment, I think all company should be ethical on this situation. Although different company are on the different standard, but the issue of “Business and Ethics” it’s quite an important topic that they have to be focused. However, there are many issue talking that many companies pay some extra fees to the local government so that the can destroy any thing to the environment or even abuse the natural resources. In other hand, the local resident can’t get any credit and they have to face the problem of the polluting environment, that’s the unfair point of the ethics between the company and the residents. I think the company have to provide this kind of thing happening, and also can have some discussion to the local government or the environmental protection organization. In short, this issue in my viewpoint is very important, even in the different circumstances, all people have to be award to this practical business ethics.

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  26. 趙芷辰 says:

    Let’s talk about the child labor problem. The definition of child labor is the age under 16-years-old have the experience of work. If the contract is fair and public also can make sure they are under great protection, it won’t be a problem. But the biggest problem is most labor child they sacrifice for attending to school. Due to the need to support their family income, they must to work although the work place is full of danger. Not only the environment full of danger but also lots of crisis on child labor. Overtime work will have bad effect on their health, moreover, take responsibility of their family and under big pressure can also cause mental problems.
    Lots of famous clothes brand they are still using child labor in incorrect way like H&M. Fast fashion has engendered a race to the bottom, pushing companies to find ever-cheaper sources of labor. That cheap labor is freely available in many of the countries where textile and garment production takes place. Child labor is a particular issue for fashion because much of the supply chain requires low-skilled labor and some tasks are even better suited to children than adults. In cotton picking, employers prefer to hire children for their small fingers, which do not damage the crop.
    We still have to make lots of effort for the child labor issue. Lots of website are courage us take the problem seriously. I hope whole world can strike for the problem, give our government more pressure to deal with. The direct way as customers is refuse to buy the product from hiring child labor brand.

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  27. 趙芷辰 says:

    Let’s talk about the child labor problem. The definition of child labor is the age under 16-years-old have the experience of work. If the contract is fair and public also can make sure they are under great protection, it won’t be a problem.But the biggest problem is most labor child they sacrifice for attending to school. Due to the need to support their family income, they must to work although the work place is full of danger. Not only the environment full of danger but also lots of crisis on child labor. Overtime work will have bad effect on their health, moreover, take responsibility of their family and under big pressure can also cause mental problems.
    Lots of famous clothes brand they are still using child labor in incorrect way like H&M. Fast fashion has engendered a race to the bottom, pushing companies to find ever-cheaper sources of labor. That cheap labor is freely available in many of the countries where textile and garment production takes place. Child labor is a particular issue for fashion because much of the supply chain requires low-skilled labor and some tasks are even better suited to children than adults. In cotton picking, employers prefer to hire children for their small fingers, which do not damage the crop.
    We still have to make lots of effort for the child labor issue. Lots of website are courage us take the problem seriously. I hope whole world can strike for the, problem give our government more pressure to fix it. The direct way as customers is refuse to buy the product from hiring child labor brand.


  28. 林于琮 says:

    There are thousands of children labor working a day with unfair salary. Most of the company use children labor because the are cheap and less reply about doing too much work it cause serious problem on both mental and physical. Also the article mention about the “blood smartphones” I read another article talking about this. A company name “Fairphone” have done a great job about corporate conscience. They not only care about the labor and care about the environment.

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  29. 廖俞婷 says:

    Business ethics are important, but it is also difficult to solve the problems.
    Take child labor in blood smartphones for example, in my opinion, hire the child labor is unethical. First reason is let them work in such a harsh environment, health is easy to be infected and the second reason is the workload is obviously the same as adults, but the wages are less than adults. But because most of these children are from very poor families so they need to do so.
    It is really unfair to these child, so i think the child labor should be banned!

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  30. Last semester I had a course about business ethics and I did a presentation about blood diamonds commerce around the world, and how large companies make profits out of the misery and poverty of some African nations. However, you don’t have to look that far to see companies behaving unethically.
    Once said this, I would like to introduce a topic that has become trully controversial during last week in Spain. In a recent interview a 3-Star Michelin Spanish Chef said that it’s good for novel cooking graduates to work in their restaurants for free (place to sleep and food provided). Instantly a lot of alleged “stagiers” as these novel chefs are named, raised their voice against this practice in these restaurants. They complained as they have to deal with exhausting work days (+10h per day), no holidays, no contract, stressful situations as well as mistreatment from their superiors.
    After this went got released to the press, colleagues from all over Spain start defending this practices, claiming that is impossible to run the business if all the workers would have a contract; due to high work taxes and low prices dominant in the luxurious gastronomy sector in Spain.
    So, should they raise prices, turning away customers and going into bankruptcy or should they legally hire all these “stagiers”, restricting its number, even though there are many that consider working in a famous restaurant as a springboard for their future professional careers?
    I add the links if any of you is interested: (in spanish)

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    • Ethics are, at their essence, moral judgements about what is right and what is wrong. In a business sense, these ethics are decided upon and formed by each company and underpin the decisions that anyone in the business makes. The decision to behave ethically as one individual to another is easy for any decent moral human being, but it is easy to forget the impact a large, faceless business can have on the world. In my opinion, Using small children as labor is ineffective. As a company that must be known is ethics. When companies use small children as labor, this is already discrimination. If the company want get higher profit is better if they use a normal employee.


  31. I think business ethics is an important thing that must be maintained by the company. Often a good company is reflected in the company’s ethics. Business Ethics are built on personal ethics. There is no clear distinction between business ethics and personal ethics. We can formulate business ethics based on morality and values ​​that we believe to be true. Business Ethics requires honesty. It’s not the time for companies to fool others and hide product defects. Today is the era of honesty. In this information age, the good and bad business world can spread rapidly and massively. For example in this case they provide opportunities for children to work and earn money. If this helps their economy, what’s wrong? But if this is destructive to their environment, there is a misappropriation of the rights of the children, of course the company will receive severe sanctions. It is not unusual for companies to employ children, because in many countries there are regulations against child protection. But if the company is able to Treat employees, consumers, suppliers, financiers and the general public ethically, fairly and honestly is the only way we can survive in the business world today. An honest company will create loyal customers. Even consumers will recommend to others to use the product. With a good image then the company will be better known by the public and its products can also increase sales.


  32. 徐鈺婷 says:

    From my personal opinion, business ethical is really a wide range topic, because business ethics refers to contemporary organizational standards, principles, sets of values and norms that govern the actions and behavior of an individual in the business organization.

    According to the news above, after the United Airlines Incident, in the social media, “resist of the United States”, “refused to take the United States” and other labels quickly became popular tags, there are many users to support the injured passengers on the United States filed suit claims. Through the event, United Airlines not only need to compensate to the customers also lost the company’s image. It is not a good company model in the world.


  33. Jen Chang says:

    First of all, it is really a different experience to do facetime on class, although our classroom’s facilities still need to improve to offer a better quality. And of course people can make business more ethical, but it is hard to make it perseverance, take McDonald’s as example, they pointed out that chicken nugget have TBHQ, it is harm to our health. So public started to refuse buying McDonald’s, but the against didn’t last long, also the business strategies make people choose to keep buying their products… Therefore, it is important to keep working at refuse those company which are not ethical.


  34. 姚權祐 says:

    The business ethics of this article; despite the government ’s advocacy and legal binding, this problem has always existed in many places. I believe normal humans are not allowed to do this, because this is too inhumane, I think We can work together with the government to safeguard this world, so that humanity will make more progress! ! The same businessmen must have self-control

    9A551032 潘姚權祐


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